The power of purpose – unlock the door to more

Before you can do more, achieve more, be more, you must first discover your purpose.

Yep, we’re getting deep right from line one!

Finding your purpose is super important. Let’s dive right in.

Why does purpose matter?

Good question. No, great question. One of the most important questions you can ask.

Your purpose, which might also be thought of as your calling, matters because it is your source of power, fulfilment and happiness.

Yep, really.

Are you feeling lost, unfulfilled, complacent? You know there is more out there, but you don’t know where to start?

Do you feel like something is missing, that you’re not living the life you should be? That you are capable of more?

This is good news.


It is good news because having and acknowledging these thoughts and feelings is the first step to amplifying your life and unleashing your potential.

It’s also good news because there is something you can do about it.

When people suggested I launch a website and start a speaking career, my first reaction was, “Why, what could I possibly have to offer? I’m just a regular guy moving through life like everyone else.”

To which the response was, “To you, you might be like everyone else, but to others you are different. We are very interested to know how you, a blind man, manage to achieve so many things. And besides, you can be mildly entertaining.”

‘Mildly’ entertaining?!

It was even suggested not sharing was selfish. Which hurt a little, but did make me think.

And so this simple idea of starting a website became the catalyst for a much bigger personal project of self-awareness.

What could I offer? What should I offer? Is it worth the time and effort to make it happen?

I am sure you too have been in situations, probably lots of them, where you weren’t sure what decision to make.

The same is definitely true for me. But this time I thought on it a little, and dwelled on it a little more, procrastinated a lot to avoid thinking about it, and finally (and somewhat reluctantly) made the time to turn inwards for a proper examination.

Self-reflection wasn’t easy for me. Hopefully these 6 tips for self-reflection success will make things a little easier for you.

To answer these questions, I had to work out what I was aiming for. What my life was for.

Was it challenging? Sure it was, but it was worth it.

My journey of self-awareness, which is far from over, revealed my deep interest in helping others achieve, to become the best version of themselves, to unlock and then unleash their full potential.

To help you.

I want you to be the best you can be.

And I want you to want that too.

Not everyone has these thoughts and feelings. Many people are happy to move through life and for each day to be a photocopy of the day before and of the day before that and so on.

But not you.

You know it, you can feel it. There is more to life. There is more to your life.

When you discover your purpose, you will also find a new source of energy and enthusiasm. You will do things you never thought you were capable of and achieve more, because you now know why you are doing it.

You will become a stronger and better version of yourself.

Knowing your purpose is powerful and important. There is no point being a ‘go getter’ if you don’t know what you are chasing. You won’t achieve what is meaningful to you, succeed and keep up your energy for the long-term without a purpose.

Are you convinced?

Are you ready to discover your purpose?

I really hope so!

No matter who you are, what you do, you are important, you have value, you are unique, you have more to give and some amazing things to achieve!

The world will be a far more dull place if your light is not allowed to shine.

What do you think about this whole idea of having a personal purpose?

Let me know in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear from you.

Be sure to check out my 6 tips for self-reflection success and 3 reasons not to take yourself for granted to help you find your purpose and unlock your door to more.